Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sermon Reactions for Sunday Nov 9 2008

Sunday's sermon for November 9, 2008 was over Leviticus 10. It was a "tag team" sermon from Keith and Ben. What did you like about it? What did you not understand? Do you have questions about the speaker's viewpoints or do you have a different viewpoint?

1 comment:

Stephanie Anderson said...

I particularly enjoyed the lesson. I seem to have this hunger for old jewish schooling. Ben's hunger seems to be a little more veracious than mine, going to synagogue and all. But overall I think it went off very nicely. The exchange portion kept our attention and it had a really good flow. Message wise it was great as always. We need more lessons that put biblical stories in the proper context of how an Isrealite or Greek audience would have understood it. Good job guys.